How It Started

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" -Winston Churchill. Like most, I've been told "no" so many times, and those who I expected to have faith in me, actually doubted me. Since I was 13 years old I have wanted to be in the beauty industry. I was obsessed with playing in makeup and lashes and even taught myself how to do my own hair and my mother's hair. Long story short, as I was getting older, pretty much all of my family members and friends chose to be in the medical field and were always pushing me to do the same. I would never forget what one of my aunts said to me when I explained to her how much I wanted to be an entrepreneur and why I loved it so much. She said, " you need to take life more seriously because doing eyelashes and hair is more of a hobby than a career ". That really broke my spirit because at the time, I valued her opinion more than my own. I went through a hell of a journey trying to find myself and was more focused on pleasing my family. I changed career paths so many times and disliked them all. I was in sales, I was a phlebotomist, a patient care technician and a nurse. I even thought about going back to school to be a dentist but then I realized enough was enough. Then in 2019 the pandemic happened ( COVID19 ) and I was pregnant with my second son who I gave birth to in August of 2020. During the first year after giving birth I suffered from postpartum depression but I got through it with those closest to me especially my husband and my mother who reminded me every day how important I was to them. My closest friend Makayla would always give me resources to utilize to help with my emotions. My struggles honestly allowed me to reflect on myself and act on things that made me happy. Towards the end of 2021, I got back on my feet like the strong women I am and started my journey as an entrepreneur.  I love what I do because it involves helping people feel good and look their best. Remember, you're already beautiful, it's about enhancing your beauty, not changing who you are.​